When using CSV files to manage your customer information in Shopify, it's crucial to ensure they are formatted correctly for a successful upload. Here’s a simplified guide to addressing common errors that may arise during the CSV file upload process.

Common CSV File Errors and Solutions

File Size Exceeds 15 MB

  • Solution: Split the CSV file into smaller files, each less than 15 MB, and upload them individually.

Simultaneous Uploads

  • Solution: Only one CSV file can be uploaded at a time. Wait for the current upload to complete before starting another.

Missing Column Headers

  • Solution: Ensure all required column headers are included. Refer to the Shopify customer CSV template for a complete list of headers.

Unrecognized Column Headers

  • Solution: Column headers must exactly match the accepted list. Check for and remove any extra letters, spaces, or unnecessary columns. You might need to revert to using the Shopify customer CSV template.

Invalid Characters

  • Solution: Ensure the CSV file is UTF-8 encoded without curly quotation marks. Replace any smart quotes with straight quotes and remove extra quotation marks.

Incorrect CSV Format

  • Solution: Open the file with a spreadsheet program to confirm it's a .CSV file and save it in UTF-8 format with LF-style line breaks.

Upload Failed

  • Solution: If an error occurs before the import process starts, attempt to upload the CSV file again.

Invalid Country or Region Codes

  • Solution: Use specific ISO 3166-1 codes for countries, regions, states, and provinces. For a list of current codes, visit the ISO_3166-1: Current_codes page. U.S. states and Canadian provinces have specific codes listed under ISO_3166-2: US and ISO_3166-2: CA, respectively.

Tips for Smooth CSV File Processing

  • Check Your Email: If you don't receive a notification after several hours post-upload, check your spam or junk folder.
  • Contact Shopify Support: If the CSV file seems stuck or doesn't import, reach out to Shopify Support for assistance.
  • ISO Codes: For the correct country and region representation, refer to the ISO standards. This is especially important for ensuring accurate customer address data.

By following these guidelines, you can mitigate common errors associated with importing and editing customer lists via CSV files in Shopify, ensuring a smoother, error-free process.

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