Collection: Product Reviews and Ratings

Build trust and credibility with authentic product reviews and ratings. These tools enable Shopify merchants to collect and showcase customer feedback, enhancing transparency and boosting conversions.

Klaviyo Reviews

Maximize sales and trust with Klaviyo Reviews! Automate feedback collection, segment customers, and showcase reviews easily.


Maximize your revenue with Ark's post-purchase upsell and survey tools. Create one-click upsells and custom thank you pages to elevate the customer journey and boost your AOV.

Section Store

Revolutionize your Shopify theme with Section Store. Instantly add and customize professional sections for an elevated store design. No coding, just creativity.

HelpCenter | FAQ Chat Helpdesk

Revolutionize customer service with HelpCenter! Create AI-generated FAQs, offer live chat support, and manage all inquiries in one place. Boost sales and customer satisfaction effortlessly.

Revie: Reviews por Whatsapp

Elevate your customer feedback game with Revie. Harness the power of WhatsApp to collect reviews easily, analyze them with AI, and showcase them to build trust and drive sales."

Kooee Reviews

Transform customer feedback into sales with Kooee Reviews. AI suggestions, rewards for reviews, and social media image creation from reviews, all designed to boost your store’s credibility and conversions."