When you've got a list of customers you want to bring into Shopify or wish to manage your current list more efficiently, Shopify's got tools for that. Here’s how to move your customer info into Shopify with a CSV file, and manage it once it’s there. Remember, only reach out to customers who’ve opted in for emails from you. Buying and using a list of random emails can harm your email deliverability and brand reputation.

Quick Guide on Customer CSVs:

  • Template for Import: Download Shopify's customer CSV template as a guide. Adding your list to this format makes importing smooth. But heads up, importing the template as is adds two example profiles into your store.
  • Understanding the CSV: Each column in the CSV has a specific purpose, like the customer's name, email, or address. Remember, the email column is a must but can be left blank.
  • Important Considerations: The CSV should be UTF-8 encoded and under 15 MB. Shopify can't import customer passwords due to encryption - you’ll need to invite customers to set new ones in your store.
  • Importing Customers: Head to 'Customers' in Shopify admin, click 'Import', select your CSV file, and follow the prompts. You can tag customers from the CSV to segment them easily.
  • Exporting Customers: To download a list of your store's customers, just go to 'Customers' and hit 'Export'. You can export all customers or specific segments.
  • Editing with a Text Editor: If spreadsheet software isn’t an option, you can use a text editor to tweak your CSV file, though it's a bit trickier. Make sure your edits follow CSV formatting rules closely.

Importing from Gmail: Want your Gmail contacts in Shopify? Clean up your Gmail list first, removing any contacts you don't need or that might bounce, then export and import into Shopify.

Keep in Mind:

  • Your first line must have column headers from the template.
  • Emails are required but can be blank. Duplicate emails or phone numbers in your import will overwrite existing customers.
  • Metafields? You can include some in your CSV, but make sure they’re set up in Shopify first.
  • Total Spent and Total Orders data can't be imported.

By managing your customer list effectively, you can make your Shopify store a more personalized and user-friendly place for your customers, encouraging loyalty and repeat business.

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