Setting sale prices directly on products is an effective way to highlight discounts on your Shopify store without the need to apply discount codes at checkout. Here’s a detailed guide on how to display sale prices by setting a "Compare-at" price for your products and variants:

Displaying Sale Prices

To display a sale price, you should use the "Compare-at" price field in your product listings. This feature shows both the original price and the discounted price, letting your customers see the amount they are saving.

For Products With Different Variant Prices

  • If your product has variants with different prices, the lowest sale price among these variants is typically shown. This can attract more attention to the product due to the perceived higher savings.

For Single-Variant Products or Identically Priced Variants

  • If your product has only one variant or multiple variants with the same price, both the original and sale prices are shown, making the discount clear.

Setting a Compare-at Price for a Product

  1. Navigate to Your Product List

    • Go to your Shopify admin and click on Products
  2. Select the Product

    • Choose the product you want to edit by clicking on its name. Navigating Product Lists under Products Section
  3. Adjust Pricing

    • In the Pricing section, you will see two fields:
      • Compare-at price: Enter the original price here.
      • Price: Enter the new discounted sale price here.
    • Ensure the Compare-at price is higher than the Price to effectively display the product as on sale. Adjusting Product Price
  4. Save Changes

    • Click Save to update the product details.

Setting a Compare-at Price for a Variant

  1. Select the Product With Variants

    • From your product list in the Shopify admin, click on the product that has variants. Selecting Product with Variants
  2. Edit the Variant

    • Under the Variants section, click on a specific variant to set the compare-at price. Updating Variant Price
  3. Adjust Variant Pricing

    • Similarly to product pricing, enter the original price in the Compare-at price field and the sale price in the Price field for the variant.
    • Make sure the compare-at price is higher than the sale price. Variant Price Navigation
  4. Save Changes

    • Click Save to apply the new pricing to the variant.

Tips for Displaying Sale Prices

  • Theme Considerations: Check how your theme displays sale prices. Some themes may show a "Sale" badge on products, and how they display this can vary. Customize your theme settings if needed to ensure sale prices are highlighted effectively.
  • Marketing: Use the sale prices as a marketing tool. Highlight these discounts in your newsletters, social media, and other marketing campaigns to attract more traffic to your store.
  • Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on how your sale prices affect your sales. If you notice a significant increase in purchases, consider extending the sale or applying similar discounts to other products.

By effectively setting and displaying sale prices, you not only enhance the customer shopping experience but also boost your store's potential for increased sales and customer engagement.

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