Managing inventory across multiple locations is a critical feature for Shopify merchants with diverse fulfillment strategies, including those utilizing dropshipping apps, third-party logistics, and custom fulfillment services. Here's a simplified guide on how to assign inventory to different locations within Shopify:

Changing the List of Locations That Stock a Product

1. Navigate: Go to `Products` in your Shopify admin and open the product you want to manage.

Navigating Products Section in shopify admin

2. Select Variant: If the product has variants, choose the variant you want to edit.
3. Edit Locations: Under the `Inventory` section, click `Edit locations`.

In product section editing location settings

4. Select Locations: Check the boxes for locations that will stock the product and uncheck those that won’t.

- Note: You cannot unstock products from locations with unfulfilled orders requiring that product.

5. Save: Click `Save` to apply your changes.

Stocking Products at Locations Using the Bulk Editor

1. Access Inventory Page: From the Shopify admin, go to `Products > Inventory`.
2. Filter by Location: Select the location that stocks the products you want to edit.
3. Select Products: Check the boxes for the product variants you wish to edit.

4. Bulk Edit: Click `Bulk edit` and in the bulk editor, add columns for the locations you’re adjusting.

Stocking products at location in bulk

5. Adjust Quantities: Update inventory quantities as needed for each location.
6. Save: Click `Save` once all adjustments have been made.

Updating Product Quantities


Managing Inventory From Multiple Locations or Fulfillment Apps

1. Product Details: From the `Products` page, select a product and its variant if applicable.
2. Check Multiple Locations: Ensure `Multiple locations` is selected for inventory stocking.

Managing Inventory From Multiple Locations or Fulfillment Apps

3. Edit or Remove Locations: To add or remove stocking locations, click `Edit locations`, check or uncheck locations, and save.

Edit or Remove Locations Section in product detail page

4. Adjust Inventory Quantities: Directly adjust the available quantity for each location from the product details page.
5. Save: Confirm any changes by clicking `Save`.


Best Practices for Inventory Management Across Multiple Locations

Consistent Review: Regularly review inventory levels and location assignments to ensure accuracy and efficiency in order fulfillment.
Utilize Bulk Editor: For extensive inventory adjustments across multiple products, utilize the bulk editor feature or inventory CSV for efficiency.
Inventory Tracking: Always enable `Track quantity` for products to maintain accurate inventory counts across all locations.
Fulfillment Apps Integration: Understand the capabilities of your fulfillment apps, especially regarding multi-managed inventory, to effectively allocate stock.

By effectively managing inventory across multiple locations, Shopify merchants can optimize their fulfillment process, reduce shipping times, and improve customer satisfaction. Always ensure your inventory management practices align with your fulfillment strategy and business model for the best results.

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