Managing your Shopify store locations effectively is crucial for inventory management, order fulfillment, and providing a seamless shopping experience. Here’s a concise guide to help you navigate the settings related to adding, deactivating, reactivating, and deleting locations in Shopify:

Adding a Location

1. Navigate: Go to Settings > Locations in your Shopify admin.
2. Add Location: Click "Add location".

Setting up location page screenshot

3. Enter Details: Provide a unique name and address for the new location. Ensure the address is accurate to avoid issues with local delivery and shipping calculations.

Fill out important informations in setting up your loaction

4. Fulfillment Option: If you want the new location to fulfill online orders, ensure you select "Fulfill online orders from this location".
5. Save: Click "Save" to finalize the addition of the new location.

Saving all your settings in location


Deactivating a Location

1. Choose Location: From Settings > Locations, click on the location you wish to deactivate.

Deactivating location settings

2. Deactivate: Click "Deactivate location".

set up location deactiavtion

3. Reassign Inventory: If prompted, select another location to move any assigned inventory, orders, or transfers.
4. Confirm: Click "Deactivate location" to complete the process.


Confirming deactivation of location

Reactivating a Location

1. Select Location: In Settings > Locations, click on the location you want to reactivate.
2. Online Orders Option: Optionally, select "Fulfill online orders from this location" if you want it available for online purchases again.
3. Activate: Click "Activate location".


Reactivating location screenshot

Deleting a Location

1. Deactivate First: Before deleting, you must first deactivate the location.
2. Navigate: Go to Settings > Locations.
3.Select Deactivated Location: Click on the deactivated location you wish to permanently remove.
4. Delete: Click "Delete location", and confirm by clicking "Delete location" again.

Screenshot deleting a location




Location Limits: The number of locations you can have depends on your Shopify plan. Upgrading your plan might be necessary if you need more locations.

Default Location: You cannot deactivate your default location without first assigning another location as your default.
App and Custom Fulfillment Locations: Locations associated with inventory apps or third-party logistics services do not count towards your location limit but are treated as locations for inventory management purposes.
Address Verification: Shopify uses Google for address verification. An unverified address might affect certain functionalities, like local delivery options. Ensure your address matches the format recommended by postal services and Google Maps.
Historical Data: Deleting a location permanently removes it from active use, but historical data associated with the location is preserved for reporting purposes.

By understanding and utilizing these location settings, you can optimize your Shopify store’s operations across multiple locations, ensuring efficient inventory management and fulfillment strategies.

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