Custom Price Calculator

Unlock the full potential of product customization with the Custom Price Calculator. Enhance your store's offering with dynamic, real-time pricing adjustments, elevating the shopping experience and driving sales. Start your free trial today.

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Product Breakdown

Custom Price Calculator by ApiPPA transforms the way Shopify stores sell custom and configurable products. This powerful app enables customers to receive real-time price calculations based on their specific product customizations, including size, color, material, and more, eliminating the need for coding or creating hundreds of variants.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Price Calculations: Automatically adjust prices based on customer selections for size, weight, color, material, and other custom options.
  • Drag-and-Drop Formula Builder: Easily set up complex pricing formulas with an intuitive interface, no coding skills required.
  • Versatile Input Options: Offer customers a range of input methods, including text fields, dropdown menus, checkboxes, and file uploads.
  • Fully Customizable Design: Ensure the calculator seamlessly integrates with your store's aesthetics by customizing its look and feel.
  • Predefined Templates: Get started quickly with templates designed for common product customizations.


  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Let customers configure products to their exact specifications and see prices update in real time.
  • Increased Sales: Encourage higher-value purchases by making it easy for customers to understand the cost of their customizations.
  • Streamlined Operations: Reduce the administrative burden of managing complex product variations and pricing structures.
  • Boosted Conversion Rates: Minimize cart abandonment by providing clear, immediate pricing information for customized products.

In-Depth Analysis

  • Product Metrics: Users report increased customer satisfaction and higher conversion rates due to transparent pricing.
  • Great Reviews:
  • "An essential tool for custom pricing." - Scentco Fundraise-A-Thon
  • "Exceptional customer service and functionality." - Banners Like These

Feature Spotlight

  • Real-time dynamic price updates based on customer selections.
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for setting up pricing formulas.
  • Customizable design to ensure brand consistency.

Who Benefits Most

Shopify merchants selling customizable or made-to-order products looking to provide their customers with transparent, real-time pricing adjustments. Ideal for stores across various industries such as fashion, furniture, print-on-demand, and more.

Key Advantages and Value

  • Dynamic pricing updates for an unlimited range of custom options.
  • User-friendly formula builder for complex price calculations.
  • Customizable to fit the look and feel of your Shopify store.

Considerations and FAQs

  • Can I set up complex pricing formulas? Yes, our drag-and-drop formula builder allows for intricate pricing setups without any coding.
  • How customizable is the calculator? Fully! Customize the calculator to match your store's design, ensuring a consistent user experience.

Pricing Options Detailed

  • Premium: $19.99/month. Enjoy unlimited product options, embed unlimited calculators across your store, and access world-class support.
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