Smart search bar & filter

Upgrade to Rapid AI Search Bar & Filter for a seamless shopping experience. Enhance your Shopify store's search and filters to i

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Product Breakdown

Elevate your Shopify store's user experience with the Rapid AI Search Bar & Filter. Launched on June 25, 2020, this powerful tool uses AI to enhance your store's search capabilities and conversion rate. It offers an intuitive search engine with advanced filters, allowing visitors to swiftly find products and collections. With the smart search bar and unlimited product and collection filters, RapidSearch not only improves product discovery but also acts as an AI-powered upsell tool.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered smart search bar for instant and accurate product discovery.
  • Unlimited product and collection filters for a refined search experience.
  • Synonym management, autocorrect, and merchandising features to enhance search results.
  • Lite app for optimal performance, ensuring a fast, mobile-friendly user experience.
  • Comprehensive search analytics to inform decision-making and campaign strategies.


  • Increases conversion rates by making product discovery seamless and efficient.
  • Enhances customer experience with fast, accurate search and sophisticated filtering options.
  • Provides valuable insights through all-time search analytics for targeted improvements.
  • Optimizes for mobile, protecting SEO rankings and ensuring usability across devices.
  • Supports multilanguage setups, broadening your store's international appeal.

In-Depth Analysis

Merchants praise RapidSearch for its swift, precise search functionality that significantly improves the shopping experience and product discovery. The tool's user-friendly nature, customizable options, and impactful filters are highlighted as key to increasing sales and customer satisfaction.

Feature Spotlight

  • AI-powered search engine with instant results.
  • Advanced product and collection filtering.
  • Real-time search analytics for insights.

Who Benefits Most

Shopify store owners seeking to improve their site's usability and conversion rate through advanced search and filtering capabilities will greatly benefit from Rapid AI Search Bar & Filter.

Key Advantages and Value

  • AI-driven search and filtering for an optimal shopping experience.
  • Lightweight app design for fast performance and mobile optimization.
  • Insightful analytics for data-driven decision making and marketing.

Considerations and FAQs

  • Integrates with popular Shopify apps for enhanced functionality.
  • Easy to install and customize, with no coding required.
  • Email and chat support provided, with prioritized service for paid plans.

Pricing Options Detailed

  • FREE: Up to 2,000 monthly sessions, 5,000 products, branded.
  • BASIC 1: $9/month, 5,000 sessions, 10,000 products, unbranded.
  • BASIC 2: $19/month, 12,000 sessions, unbranded.
  • BASIC 3: $39/month, 25,000 sessions, unbranded.
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