TurboBoost: Pagespeed Booster

Unlock lightning-fast speeds for your Shopify store with TurboBoost. Our easy, one-click solution optimizes your site's performance, boosts SEO, and enhances the overall shopping experience. Start your free trial today and witness the difference.

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Product Breakdown

TurboBoost is the ultimate solution for Shopify brands aiming to enhance their website's speed, SEO, and site conversions. With a simple, one-click setup that requires no coding, TurboBoost improves your site's loading times, ensuring you never lose sales due to slow performance. This app provides a comprehensive toolkit including caching, image optimization, and CDN services, designed for both desktop and mobile optimization.

Key Features

  • Instant Page Load: Experience lightning-fast website loading speeds that keep customers engaged and reduce bounce rates.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your site performs exceptionally on mobile devices, where the majority of users browse and shop.
  • One-Click, No-Code Installation: Get set up in less than a minute with our straightforward installation process, no technical expertise needed.
  • Comprehensive Speed Solutions: From caching and image optimization to CDN services, everything you need for a speedy site is here.
  • 24/7 Live Chat Support: Our human support team is always available to assist with any questions or customization needs.


  • Boosted SEO Rankings: Faster sites are favored by search engines, helping you climb the rankings and attract more organic traffic.
  • Increased Conversions: A swift website enhances user experience, leading to higher conversion rates and more sales.
  • Lowered Bounce Rates: Keep visitors on your site longer with quick load times, encouraging them to explore more of your offerings.
  • Enhanced Mobile Performance: With mobile-first indexing, optimizing your site's speed on smartphones and tablets is crucial.

In-Depth Analysis

  • Product Metrics: Users report dramatic improvements in site speed and a noticeable increase in SEO rankings.
  • Great Reviews:
  • "Immediate increase in site speed." - Shop GoDeadOn
  • "Quick and easy setup, dramatic performance improvement." - My Store

Feature Spotlight

  • Achieve near-instant page loading speeds for an optimal user experience.
  • Easy, one-click setup with no need for coding or technical skills.
  • Comprehensive speed optimization features including caching, image optimization, and CDN.

Who Benefits Most

Shopify store owners seeking to improve their website's speed, SEO rankings, and conversion rates without the need for technical expertise. Ideal for stores experiencing slow load times and high bounce rates.

Key Advantages and Value

  • Drastically improve your website's loading speed for better customer retention and sales.
  • Simple, no-code solution for Shopify stores of all sizes.
  • 24/7 access to our expert support team for personalized assistance.

Considerations and FAQs

  • How quickly can I see improvements in site speed? Users often notice significant speed enhancements immediately after installation.
  • Is technical support available? Yes, our 24/7 live chat support is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns.

Pricing Options Detailed

  • Basic: Free for up to 5,000 page views/month. Additional views are $15 per 5,000.
  • Starter: $15/month for 50,000 page views/month, plus $15 per additional 5,000 views.
  • Growth: $40/month for 200,000 page views, including adaptive image sizing.
  • Pro: $150/month for 1,000,000 page views, featuring adaptive image sizing and font subsetting.
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